Sunday, June 16, 2013

Xilinx ISE and Simulation

1. Variables in Xilinx ISIM
I'm Using Xilinx Simulator, so how do I get the simulator window to displays my variables? I have defined a variable as variable datacount : integer : 0;  
 but I dont see it in the Sim Hierarchy window, and cannot find out how to see the value of this variable along with my sim waveforms.

Variables are not visible simulation objects in ISim waveforms.  Status of variables can be observed using the command line / Tcl console using the show command.  Example:

show value <variable>

2. Details about working with ISim from Command Line

3.  Displaying Integers in Isim in decimal format

Currently, Isim doesn't support changing radix value of integers through GUI.

Soln: wave add -radix unsigned </path/to/integer>

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