Tuesday, June 4, 2013

FPGA Interview Questions

1. I found some good VLSI questions at this website
        - Design full adder using half adder
2. What are gray codes?
3. What is Gray Code Counter, Binary Counter, Johnson Counter, Ring Counter?
4. What is a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and where is it used?
5. What are the advantages of gray code counter?
6. Write code for 4-bit adder in VHDL with carryin, carryout and arithmetic overflow
advanced: Arithmetic Overflow detection code
7. How do you design 3-bit comparator if a and b are signed numbers?
8. Make a digital circuit that takes a BCD digit as input and produces the output that is equal to 5 times the digit in same format. Soln:
9. What are the different type of overloading in VHDL? Soln:
Ans: Literal Overloading, Operator Overloading, Subprogram Overloading
10. Why are multiplexers typically designed with 2^N inputs?
Ans: This is because "select input" pins of multiplexer requires log (inputs).
11. Draw circuit for building 4:1 multiplexer using 2:1 multiplexer?
12. What is Shannon's Expansion Theorem?
13. What is one-hot encoding? Hint: Decoder Output
14. What are static hazards and dynamic hazards?
15.What does NULL in case statement do?

Questions at other websites:
1. http://www.vlsibank.com/sessionspage.asp?titl_id=6069
2. http://electronicsbus.com/vlsi-jobs-fpga-design-jobs-vhdl-interview-questions/

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