I was reading about flip-flops in digital design yesterday. It was intriguing as how feedback circuits of gates can form a flip-flop.
Here is VHDL Code for a flip-flop:
First Attempt:
COMP96 ERROR COMP96_0413: "Actual of mode 'in' cannot be assigned to formal "y" of mode 'out'." "C:\Users\kvemishe\Documents\FPGA\Xilinx Course\SimpleLatch\SRFlipflop.vhd" 23 13
Second Attempt:
To fix the above problem, we make q, and qnot as "inout" rather than "out only
Here is VHDL Code for a flip-flop:
First Attempt:
library IEEE;
entity SRFlipflop is
set,reset : in std_logic;
q, q_not : in std_logic
end SRFlipflop;
architecture Behavioral of SRFlipflop is
component nor_component
port(a, b : in std_logic;
y : out std_logic);
end component nor_component;
n_1:entity work.nor_component
port map(a => set,
b => q,
y => q_not);
n_2:component nor_component
port map(a => q_not,
b => reset,
y => q);
end Behavioral;
COMP96 ERROR COMP96_0413: "Actual of mode 'in' cannot be assigned to formal "y" of mode 'out'." "C:\Users\kvemishe\Documents\FPGA\Xilinx Course\SimpleLatch\SRFlipflop.vhd" 23 13
Second Attempt:
To fix the above problem, we make q, and qnot as "inout" rather than "out only
library IEEE;
entity SRFlipflop is
set,reset : in std_logic;
q, q_not : inout std_logic
end SRFlipflop;
architecture Behavioral of SRFlipflop is
component nor_component
port(a, b : in std_logic;
y : out std_logic);
end component nor_component;
n_1:entity work.nor_component
port map(a => set,
b => q,
y => q_not);
n_2:component nor_component
port map(a => q_not,
b => reset,
y => q);
end Behavioral;
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